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Archive Night School
(with Los Angeles Contemporary Archive)
Tuesday Evenings, April 15-June 3, 2025
Currently Accepting Applications for Fall 2025:
1:1: an opportunity to curate a term of in-depth,
personal study composed of individual
dialogs with speakers, lecturers, course
and workshop leaders who have
contributed to the actualization of the Southland Institute's first five years.
A term of 1:1
offers multiple tiers of enrollment,
consisting of a term of 6 or 3 distinct
dialogs and access to ongoing advisory
Currently accepting applications for fall 2025 term of 1:1, which runs from Oct. 1 - Dec 31., as well as for Spring 2026
The Southland Institute is an unaccredited two-year postgraduate graphic design workshop and evolving public online repository of educational resources, built around a central curricular helix consisting of the tools, processes, histories, and discourses of typography, graphic design and critical art-making. It is also intended to be a forum for inquiry into the processes, potentials, and complications of education and its attendant structures and systems.